Energy System Description

Electric energy “generation” is in a fact, transformation of the energy from one form to the other (Thermal, hydraulic, Fuel…), today most practical utilization is in the form of Electric energy.

The system includes, energy storage provision at the users able to serve the peak power requirements of each one, without loading the grid, stored energy is able to supply large power peaks for extended time duration releasing the grid from supplying peak power demands.

In house power distribution implemented at low voltage level, is improving issues concerning to safety and personal hazards, system implementation made of modularly design for easy growing responding to increasing user needs.

The Grid will supply electric energy at an almost constant power level

As add-on, energy generated by the renewable sources will be employed first for recharge the store devices, and second, after accumulators devices are fully charged to canalize the energy to the grid.

Even if the installed renewable source power is less than the user energy requirements, or if it is not installed at all, the grid is effectively decoupled, as a result, we get the energy peaks are hidden to the grid and the peak energy requirements are supplied by the storage devices.